Berita ini memang sungguh pelik sekali ,tak sangka sampai macamni sekali di menyimpan barang curi.Kejadian yang berlaku di Oklahoma,dimana dua orang wanita Ailene B. Brown, 28 dan Shmeco Vashon Thomas, 37,telah mencuri di sebuah kedai yang bernama TJ Maxx.Mereka telah mencuri barang bernilai AS$2600 iaitu 3helai seluar jeans,4 pasang kasut boot,beg duit dan beberapa sarung tangan.
Dan yang pelik barang curian itu disorokkan di bawah lipatan lemak payudara dan lemak perut.Kegiatan ini terbongkar setelah mereka ditahan oleh pihak polis dan mereka telah diperiksa.Brown juga didapati membawa pisau.Pisau itu digunakan untuk memotong tag barangan yang di curi itu.Kedua-dua wanita ini mempunyai bentuk badan yang gemuk....
saya petik : Edmond, Oklahoma (The Weekly Vice) – Ailene B. Brown, 28, and Shmeco Vashon Thomas, 37, of Oklahoma City were jailed Wednesday after they allegedly attempted to shoplift thousands of dollars in merchandise by hiding the items under their breasts and between rolls of body fat.
According to police, officers were called to the TJ Maxx in Edmond on a report that loss prevention officers had detained two large women that were observed hiding thousands of dollars in merchandise amid the nether regions of their anatomy.
Investigators say when the women were searched, officers found $2,600 worth of merchandise, including three pairs of jeans, four pairs of boots, a wallet, and some gloves.
Officers state that the women were actually hiding items in their folds of skin and fat, as well as their purses. Brown also had a knife in her purse, which was used to cut the tags off the items they allegedly intended to steal.
Brown and Thomas were booked into jail and charged with felony shoplifting.
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